by ronfrazer | Fri Jul 2023 | gender equity, Women
I didn’t write this; I simply asked an AI system about women today. Ron Frazer Women today face many challenges and opportunities in various aspects of their lives, such as education, career, health, family, and social justice. In this post, we will explore some...
by ronfrazer | Fri Nov 2019 | gender equity, Women
There was a time when the official policy in the USA was that African people were subhuman. There is a subset of Americans who still believe that. Enter Esther Okade, a Nigerian-British girl with a marvelous brain. Take a look at the equation that Ms. Okade is working...
by ronfrazer | Tue Oct 2019 | gender equity, Women
This blog is about gender equity. It’s not so much pro-women or anti-men; it’s about equity. However, as a man, I think it’s good to laugh at ourselves at times. After all, we men have been running the planet for 10,000 years, maybe longer; and...
by ronfrazer | Thu Jun 2019 | gender equity, Women
On a hunch, I googled “women better at business.” I wasn’t surprised at what I found. In an article in, I found five reasons why women are considered better at business: In one study, firms owned by women averaged about 75%...
by ronfrazer | Mon May 2019 | gender equity, Women
I recently watched a marvelous TED talk by Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic titled, Why do so many incompetent men become leaders? Tomas is an organizational psychologist who studies human behavior in the workplace. He made some very interesting points: Organizations and...
by ronfrazer | Sun Apr 2019 | gender equity, Women
Is there a verse in the Bible or the Qur’an that specifies how a woman should sit? No. There is a verse in the Qur’an (24:31) that says that women should dress modesty and not display their “beauties”. In the Bible, 1 Timothy 2:29, it says that...
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