It’s a joke, okay?

It’s a joke, okay?

This blog is about gender equity. It’s not so much pro-women or anti-men; it’s about equity. However, as a man, I think it’s good to laugh at ourselves at times. After all, we men have been running the planet for 10,000 years, maybe longer; and...
Women are Better at Business.

Women are Better at Business.

On a hunch, I googled “women better at business.” I wasn’t surprised at what I found. In an article in, I found five reasons why women are considered better at business: In one study, firms owned by women averaged about 75%...
It’s Time For Women to Take Over

It’s Time For Women to Take Over

I recently watched a marvelous TED talk by Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic titled, Why do so many incompetent men become leaders? Tomas is an organizational psychologist who studies human behavior in the workplace. He made some very interesting points: Organizations and...
How Must a Woman Sit?

How Must a Woman Sit?

Is there a verse in the Bible or the Qur’an that specifies how a woman should sit? No. There is a verse in the Qur’an (24:31) that says that women should dress modesty and not display their “beauties”. In the Bible, 1 Timothy 2:29, it says that...
Credit and Single Women

Credit and Single Women

I received a kind note from Ryan Noonan of reminding me of the problems that women face when establishing and maintaining good credit. He pointed to an article on their website that gives a comprehensive summary of the problems and solutions for those...